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How to get to Koknese?

Koknese is located 100 km from the capital of Latvia Riga. From Riga to Koknese you can get on the highway A6,  on the highway P80 Tinuzi-Koknese (highway E22 from Riga to the eastern border of Latvia) and the railway.

Using public transport, we encourage you to search for public transport on the links below:


  • By train. Train station „Koknese”. Trains from the Riga railway station with end points Daugavpils, Zilupe, Krustpils, Pļaviņas. Duration of the journey by rail from 1.25h to 1.47h. More information: www.vivi.lv.
  • Arriving at Koknese Railway Station, you must pass the Station Square, go along Hanzas Street to the highway A6 , cross the 1905 street, where the Koknese Tourism Information Center can be seen. The distance on foot - about 15 minutes.
  • By bus.  Bus stop „Koknese”. Buses with end points in Aglona, Daugavpils, Jēkabpils, Krāslava, Līvāni, Lubāna, Madona, Preiļi, Rēzekne. More information: www.1188.lv and www.autoosta.lv.
  • From the bus stop, the Koknese Tourist Information Center can be reached in a 5-minute walk along the sidewalk along the highway A6  and turn right onto the street 1905.



  •      Railroad Rīga-Daugavpils


  • International road E22 Rīga (Tīnūži) – Koknese or Moscow highway


  • Upstream pipeline Rīga-Daugavpils


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